Hackthebox Walkthrough — October
Being taking the PWK courses and preparing for the OSCP exam recently. I got inspired a lot from many Hackthebox machines besides the pwk labs. So I decided to start writing some hackthebox retired machines walkthroughs (inspired from hackingarticles, infosec, ippsec’s youtube videos and etc, thanks for all of these amazing materials of Penetration Testing!)
Local IP:
Nmap Enumeration :
Since port 80 is open, let’s browse the web page
It’s a OctoberCMS page
Run dirbuster for directory fuzzing
we found a /backend entry for admin panel log in
Try the default OctoberCMS credentials : admin/admin
And we are successfully logged in into the admin Panel
Initial foothold
Google the October CMS exploit , we found this seems interesting
let’s upload a php5 extension php-reverse-shell on the media directory
According to the vulnerability description, the php5 extension will bypass any filter and execute our reverse shell (from pentest monkey)
set up our netcat listener , click the public url to execute the php reverse shell. We got our connection back
spawn a tty shell to make it more stable
cd /home/harry , grab our user.txt flag
Privilege Escalation
Run LinEnum.sh on the target machine
Transfer the ovrflw file to our local machine with netcat