Hackthebox Walkthrough — Teacher
Local IP :
Target :
Step 1 : Nmap Enumeration
only port 80 (web http server) is open
version : Apache httpd 2.4.25 ( running on Linux Debian)
browse the website page
We could tell a new portal is open for teachers and students
click on other links , it transfer us into the gallery
Step 2 : running dirbuster to enumearte
browse the link /images
we found out that th images 5.png contain some errors
potential password part :Th4CoolTheacha
Username : Giovanni
Also we know CMS moodle is running on the webserver
use crunch to generate a passwords list file
generate a length=15 passwords files and try bruteforce the correct one
wfuzz to fuzz out the password
wfuzz -w password.txt -L -d “username=Giovanni&password=FUZZ” — hw 1224
The password is : Th4C00lTheacha#
log in moodle
And we logged in the dashboard as Giovanni
Google moodle exploit and found out the “EVIL TEACHER” exploit for remote code execution
in the math formula function , php function eval() allows us to execute of arbitrary php code
turn edit on
add a quiz
add some questions
add the successful payload /*{a*/`$_GET[0]`;//{x}}
url decode and modify the code to make it be remote code executable
and here we got a reverse shell back with netcat
spawn a python tty shell
go to the moodle database , config.php file contains the database password
for mysql
log in the database
SELECT * from mdl_user\G
we found a password hash under giovannibak
google the md5 hash and decrypted it as expelled
grab the user flag
Run LinEnum.sh in the /tmp , nothing interesting
in the /tmp file , we see a course backup zip file
from the backup.sh script we found in /usr/bin
this tells us
go to home directory /home/giovanni/work
create an archive with the content of the courses directory
browse to /tmp
give read and write permissions to everybody on the /home/giovanni/work/tmp directory and subdirectories
script can be leveraged in order to retrieve the content of the
/root folder and gain the root flag. courses file could be renamed
thus we can extract the root.txt with the script